18.00 Backbends with Bandhas – Workshop with Mukesh Kothari
Learn in steps secrets of safe, efficient and strong back bending postures. Back bending is considered as one of the advanced features within the yoga asana world. Back bending also encounters mental challenges and fears toward its practice.
Hatha Yoga practices have recognized the spine as an essential aspect of human life. This workshop will help you to understand the anatomy of back bending, breathing patterns and psychological aspects attached to it. Spine provides the framework for healthy body and vertebral joints mechanism to unlock back using a special Krama based back bending sequence.
“You are young if your spine is young” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika
For whom is this workshop recommended?
1. Regular yoga practitioners.
2. People with stiffness in spine and spine injuries learn safe mode of bends.
3. People with stiff joints such as hips and wrist but willing to take back bends.
4. Who are looking to learn flying methods to master advanced postures such as scorpion and variations of peacock.
5. Who wants to improve their lungs capacity.
The workshop consists of:
1. Understanding the key concepts of back bend.
2. Techniques to warm up and to advance back bending.
3. Unlocking hip opening methods to enhance back flexibility.
4. Training the core muscles for back support.
5. Practice and application of bandhas.
Vineri, 19 Mai 2023
ore 18.00 – 20.00
For details on his work, please visit the following link
Atelierul este 170 RON. Locurile sunt limitate.
Locul este considerat rezervat, atunci când este plătită integral taxa de participare.
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