16.15 Yoga in English with Carmen – STUDIO
”Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the Self, to the Self” Bhagavad Gita
First and foremost, Yoga is a journey into the inner being.
By practicing the flow of asanas in harmony with the breath, we come closer to the divine Self and allow it to manifest through us, leaving aside the mind, everyday stress and all that prevents us from being authentic. In addition to its emotional and spiritual benefits, the conscious and constant practice of yoga allows the body to open up.
The postures we enter during the class determine the flexibility of the joints and muscle elongation so that the beneficial effects are felt shortly after. With the body’s defenses dismantled, even stagnant emotions begin to flow freely through the body.
At the same time, during the practice, we combine the passive principles of meditation and conscious breathing exercises with the fluidity of asanas that activate the energy into the body.
I’m Carmen Florescu, in my everyday life I work in beautifying spaces through design and art. Initially, the desire to know myself better and to be the best version of myself brought me to yoga. The personal and studio practice prove to be essential because they teach me to be consistent and deepen the postures that I only dreamed about a year ago.
The class is addressed to all participants, regardless of level, age or mobility.
Give yourself time, come and let’s practice together at Magic Yoga studio and online!
Prețuri pentru clase STUDIO
- Drop-in 1 clasă: 60 lei
- Abonament 5 clase: 270 lei (valabil 30 zile)
- Abonament 8 clase: 390 lei (valabil 45 zile)
- Abonament 12 clase: 500 lei (valabil 60 zile)
- LUCKY STUDENTS* Abonament 7 clase: 290 lei (valabil 45 zile) * ptr. elevi și studenți
Prețuri pentru clase ONLINE:
- Drop-in 1 clasă: 40 lei
- Abonament 3 clase: 100 lei (valabil 30 zile)
- Abonament 12 clase: 300 lei (valabil 30 zile)
- Direct la studio
- Card
- Abonament
Link ZOOM:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96720461762?pwd=cHNPMUlNRFk1b1FxOHVXK0JXN0JHQT09
- Parola: bucurie